Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 44- down 20lbs!!!!!!

Well after working my butt off literally yesterday I woke up to a pleasant surprise today. I am down to 201.1, almost onderland. If I can keep this up I will be well into onderland by my goal which is new years (my birthday)! Yesterday my exercise consisted of dancing, lifting 5lb weights and jogging/dancing around the kitchen table with my 2 year old. I learned how to incorporate him in my workout so he is having fun and I am still burning a ton of calories! I had my father in laws birthday party last night we had lasagna. I had one piece of lasagna measured out at 310 calories and one piece of apple pie (very small piece) I stayed within my calories range and still enjoyed the birthday.

my twilight QOTD : I’m stronger than I thought. It’s nice to know.-Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 13, p.283

My twilight motivation for today:

This image should get me through christmas lol

1 comment:

  1. So what's the word? Did you make the last goal? Keep at it!
